Monday, September 29, 2008

Josh's First Birthday

Saturday I had the very first observance of my birthday. A bit of a roller coaster getting to it, but that seems to always be the case with me. I invited several people and damned if about half of them couldn't come. This might not be devastating if you invited 100 people to your 31st birthday party and only 50 came. Fifty is still a whole lot of people. But when its your first one ever, and you are 31, and 4 out of 10 people can't come, and you really shouldn't even count one of the ten people anyway because she is your girlfriend, well... it sucks.

So I canceled it. What the hell, nothing lost, nose still very well covered with skin, etc. The remaining people all still wanted to do something though, so we agree on Olive Garden. Nothing too exciting.

Here is the surprise - it was utterly fantastic. My advice to everyone in the world: every once in a while, surround yourself with people who truly love you. I was genuinely touched and affected by the display of affection for me. Its been a bad month in a bad year for me, and this made all the difference. If someone like me can find friends among such lovely people there may still be hope.

Or maybe it was all the scotch.

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